Now let's satisfy the Biologists :) . But here we will tell some known biological fact with a versatile view.
We are considering that a subset of Nature is object. So we will classify the subsets of Natures into some classes where each classes follows some property. An object is an instance of each class .
For example Autototropha is the class of living beings which could make their food . Now a specific rose plant is one instance of Autotroph. A class could have many subclasses (subsets of parent class which are itself a class) and so on.
Ok,we already told in previous posts that actions tries to change some property of a body and inertia tries to keep it in that state . More we know that action and reaction occurs between every pair of bodies and that is the only cause of dynamic Universe .
Now let's start observe an object say a small stone . We will see that that tiny object also changing w.r.t to time because in meantime it is interacting with its neighbours.
Now the gradual change of a specific object over a time leads it to enter in a different class that the gradual change in the flow of time changes it so that the object could not be count in its previous class but in a different class.
This is called evolution of an object.
Now obviously the living beings also faced the evolution. Here the evolution is the transformation of a species into another species . A species is actually a class.
Now the evolution is done according to Darwinism in these process :-
1) Every species has to face every time "Struggle of Existence" to sustain .
2) Every living being of a species have gradual changes due to mutation, recombination of properties and selection of better property. So the members of species changes gradually w.r.t time .
3) Nature give more facility to the fitter living being.
When the change become so much that some member of originally one species could not further been told a member of that species then they will enter in one or more new species.
Obviously the changes or metamorphosis does not happen in only the Life but also in every object . There the objects changes from one form to another.
This is the dynamic Universe.
We are considering that a subset of Nature is object. So we will classify the subsets of Natures into some classes where each classes follows some property. An object is an instance of each class .
For example Autototropha is the class of living beings which could make their food . Now a specific rose plant is one instance of Autotroph. A class could have many subclasses (subsets of parent class which are itself a class) and so on.
Ok,we already told in previous posts that actions tries to change some property of a body and inertia tries to keep it in that state . More we know that action and reaction occurs between every pair of bodies and that is the only cause of dynamic Universe .
Now let's start observe an object say a small stone . We will see that that tiny object also changing w.r.t to time because in meantime it is interacting with its neighbours.
Now the gradual change of a specific object over a time leads it to enter in a different class that the gradual change in the flow of time changes it so that the object could not be count in its previous class but in a different class.
This is called evolution of an object.
Now obviously the living beings also faced the evolution. Here the evolution is the transformation of a species into another species . A species is actually a class.
Now the evolution is done according to Darwinism in these process :-
1) Every species has to face every time "Struggle of Existence" to sustain .
2) Every living being of a species have gradual changes due to mutation, recombination of properties and selection of better property. So the members of species changes gradually w.r.t time .
3) Nature give more facility to the fitter living being.
When the change become so much that some member of originally one species could not further been told a member of that species then they will enter in one or more new species.
Obviously the changes or metamorphosis does not happen in only the Life but also in every object . There the objects changes from one form to another.
This is the dynamic Universe.