Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Outcome of Maxwell's Equations

The outcome is the establishment of electromagnetic wave and later it has been proved that Light is an EM wave.
Now we get E(x,t) = E(x - ct) . It is a function of  x,t. As natural continuous functions are Fourier transformable so can find Fourier transform of this wave w.r.t time and space.

E(x,t) = E(x) f(w) eiwt dw

Now if we assume that only one frequency 'n' is there so we get  :-
E(x,t) = Es(x) e2iπnt ~ Es(x) cos(2πnt) [In real domain]

So, we get a frequency relation.

Now we want to determine the frequency velocity relationship.

We can further write that E(x,t) = Σ E0 cos(2π(x/λ - n.t)) by taking Fourier transform about both x,t .

Now for a specific bi-periodic wave E(x,t) = E0 cos(2π(x/λ - n.t)) we get that c = nλ .

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